Monday, November 11, 2013

6 Things You Didn't Know About Development in Calgary

By Karin Olafson
The City Blog   

6 Things You Didn't Know About Development in Calgary

Which communities are growing the fastest and which is the biggest overall

Everyone knows that Calgary is booming. But do you know the details? Kevin Froese, the coordinator of Calgary’s New Community Planning, shares some statistics from the 2013 Civic Census.

1. Overall Community Growth

The five communities that saw the biggest population growth are all in developing areas. Evanston tops the list, followed by Auburn Bay, Cranston, Skyview Ranch and Panorama Hills.
Evanston  +1,680
Auburn Bay  +1,632
Cranston  +1,578
Skyview Ranch  +1,519
Panorama Hills  +1,358

2. Growth in Developed Communities

Coventry Hills saw the biggest population growth out of Calgary’s developed areas. Bridlewood and Beltline were second and third in terms of population growth, followed by the downtown commercial core and Martindale.
Coventry Hills  +611
Bridlewood  +518
Beltline  +513
Downtown Commercial Core  +411
Martindale  +410

3. Calgary's Biggest Community

Panorama Hills is still Calgary’s most populous community. This community is home to 23,605 people.

4. Population Growth in Calgary

So far in 2013, Calgary has grown by 29,327 people. This is a 2.62 per cent increase from last year and 36 per cent above the annual average from the past decade.

5. The Rate of Housing Growth

The rate of housing growth (7.5 per cent) was more than double the rate of population growth (2.6 per cent).

6. Calgary's Developing Areas

“Suburban Residential Growth 2013-2017” identifies 27 communities in Calgary’s developing areas. These communities grew by 19,635 people, which accounts for 67 per cent of the total population growth for the city.